Saturday, September 26, 2015

Learning to Change, Changing to Learn

There were some compelling viewpoints expressed in the video today. I was inspired, yet discouraged. Sometimes it feels as if we're trying to turn a cruise ship around with canoe paddles when it comes to best practice in anything, let alone instructional technology.
In my own district, we seem to be falling increasingly behind in terms of what we should be offering today's students. Even though we acknowledge our antiquated model of the brick and mortar classroom, it seems as if we are grounded (stuck? comfortable?) in this model. As adults, it is what we are most familiar with. As adults, many of us do not have the knowledge or skills or interest in what is taking over the planet.


  1. I'm not sure we're stuck, we are however, so slow to change and there are so many moving parts that need to align when adopting any type of change. The question I feel is how do we adapt to something at a faster rate?

  2. I'm not sure we're stuck, we are however, so slow to change and there are so many moving parts that need to align when adopting any type of change. The question I feel is how do we adapt to something at a faster rate?
